Ensenda, Mexico
I woke up this morning to the "arf, arf, arf" of the seals in the harbor in Ensenada. I remember waking up briefly during the night, and being aware that we were still moving. We must have come down here slow. We docked around 7:00, I'd say. They served breakfast early this morning so that the people helping with check-in could get fed. I didn't make it, in fact I pulled my blind and got a couple more hours of sleep, because it is Sunday afterall.
I met up with Mary in the library and we got all of the reserves up that didn't need to be cataloged. I created brief records for a few of the films that won't be added to the permanent collection. I was holding off on doing some of this hoping that the barcodes would come, but I can hold out no longer. We went ahead and used the Pitt barcodes, but we'll replace them when we get new ones.
We closed up the library around noon and went to lunch: beef stew, pork tenderloins, salad, chicken consome and vegetable ragout (I missed breakfast I was hungry). Then Karen (IT woman) and I went into Ensenada. We walked around and looked at the shops, went to the fish market (didn't smell too good). There were a lot of rowdy college kids which I'm guessing are our students. They started arriving at the ship around 9:00 or so two busloads at a time. The last 10 students are boarding now. Which is kind of cutting it close since on ship time is in 3 minutes. We're having a lifeboat drill in an hour and then leaving for Hawaii at 5:00pm.
I didn't get sea sick at all, I don't know if the sea bands did the trick, or if I'm just not inclined.
I'm feeling kind of low energy today. I think the excitement of last night, plus too many days without a day off. I'm going to try to have an early night. We're sailing early, so I can be up for that, without having to be up too late.
Here are some pictures to jazz up my post, since I'm well aware that this one isn't that great.
A picture from where I'm sitting and writing my blog right now:
A street scene in Ensenada:
Our ship in the distance from Ensenada, and a view from my porthole this afternoon:
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