Wednesday, November 01, 2006

An interim blog

Bad Erika, no blog.

I've been in Cairo the last 3 days and the two days before that I was miserably ill. So much so that I was afraid I would end up in quarantine and miss Egypt altogether. I got a miracle shot of something Sunday night that cured me and I was able to make my trip just fine.

Cairo was, of course, amazing. And I promise to write all about it tomorrow, but as usual after a port visit I'm pretty pooped and am going to just rest some and digest the experience.

I did want to tell everyone that I'm okey-dokey and back safe and sound on the ship. We're going through the Suez canal tomorrow. Tonight we're sailing out of port and putting down anchor then tomorrow in the morning we'll start the canal.

Here's hoping I'm done with illness for the rest of the trip.


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