Thursday, September 07, 2006

Dateline SAS

Today was a great day.

1) We had a good meeting with our work study students, and Mary had cookies brought to our table. We gave them extra hours and they didn't grumble.

2) We got a lot of work done on inventorying and weeding the video collection.

3) I got an invitation to have dinner at the captain's table on Saturday. YES!

4) I learned about Reiki from Amie Chaudoir at the community college tonight.

5) They had a giant barbeque for everyone on the pool deck (I didn't have my camera but I bet I can get some pictures). Some of the officers even came up and ate with us. There was sausage and hamburgers and ribs and suckling pig. The pig heads were part of the decorations (this means there have been whole pigs on the ship with us at least a part of this voyage). Kelly suggested that the reason Dr. Bob's clinic hours are so short is that he's tending a farm somewhere on the ship.

6) We crossed the dateline, today is tomorrow, and we earned the Order of the Golden Dragon. Huh? Look here at Mary and Kelly's awesome blog for the full details.


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