Monday, September 25, 2006

Healthy Living Hong Kong Style

On my last day in Hong Kong I went on an SAS sponsored trip called "Healthy Living Hong Style." It was a smallish group, 25 people or so. First thing we did was walk to a courtyard near they ship where a master led us in some Qui Gong exercises, this is similar to Tai Chi, but focuses more or the breathing.

After that we went to the Sunday flower market, which was lovely and to the bird market (which is for pet bird hobbyists, not for dinner).

Then it was to a traditional fresh foods market which made a few people a bit ill. Then we had Bird's Nest Soup and a huge traditional Honk Kong lunch featuring jellyfish, BBQ pork, mushrooms and bok choy, and little rabbit shaped marshmallow. If you like to see a picture of me enjoying jellyfish (I was the only one at the table that did-- tastes like seaweed salad) check out Mary and Kelly's entry on the occasion (which is actually much much better than mine).

Sorry for the short blog, I'm not really feeling very well.


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